
Can I Play Xenoverse 1 in 2 on Ps4

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Name: Elery
Pun on name: Celery
Alias(es): Saiyan Heroine, Saiyan Warrior, Time Patroller
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 45 (She looks 23 years old, but as she's a full blooded Saiyan she's much older then she looks)
Sexuality: Straight


Gender: Female
Race: Saiyan
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 142 lbs
Body Type: Strong and fairly muscular. Increases in strength amount when she goes Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, 4 and as a Super Saiyan Goddess (Red and Blue). Increases fairly more in strength when as Light Super Saiyan and Light Super Saiyan Goddess, to where she's near invincible.
Skin Tone: White
Scars/Markings: She does get them, but they are healed later so she has no visible scars anywhere on her body.
Eye Color: Black, bright green when she goes Super Saiyan 1, 2 and 3. Yellow as Super Saiyan 4, red as Super Saiyan Goddess and are more feral looking, royal blue as Super Saiyan Goddess Super Saiyan, pure white with no pupils as Light Super Saiyan, and same thing as Light Super Saiyan Goddess, but royal blue instead of white, silver with Ultra Instinct
Eye Shape: Slightly narrow. (They become even more narrow when she goes Super Saiyan 3)
Hair Color: Black, blondish yellow when she goes Super Saiyan 1, 2 and 3, returns to black color as Super Saiyan 4, red when as a Super Saiyan Goddess, royal blue as Super Saiyan Goddess Super Saiyan, white as Light Super Saiyan, and royal blue again as Light Super Saiyan Goddess, silverish-white with Ultra Instinct
Hairstyle: Short and fairly spiky, resemblance to Videl's second hairstyle after her original hairstyle. Remains the same hairstyle when she goes Super Saiyan 1 and 2, grows longer in the back as Super Saiyan 3 similar to Goku and Gotenks as Super Saiyan 3. Her hairstyle returns to the normal form's style when she goes Super Saiyan 4, Super Saiyan Goddess Red and Blue both, Light Super Saiyan and Light Super Saiyan Goddess both, and Ultra Instinct as well
Other Notable Features: She wears her tail around her waist, just like Bardock, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta and Turles. Sometimes she'll unwrap her tail and let it free to move around, like with Tarble.

Outfit 1: Saiyan armor, similar to Bardock'sElery: Conton City's Heroine!!!! by ChrisBennettSonic

Outfit 2: Training/Casual wear
Elery's Casual/Training Wear by ChrisBennettSonic

Outfit 3: Demon Clothes style, as a homage to her mentor Piccolo.
Elery's Demon Clothes (Homage to Piccolo) by ChrisBennettSonic

Outfit 4: Goku gi style, as a homage to Goku.
Elery's CC Gi (Homage to Goku) by ChrisBennettSonic


In a Nutshell: Level-headed, Tomboyish, Always eager to face against strong opponents, Devoted to helping out Trunks, Toki-Toki, Supreme Kai of Time and Elder Kai, is very loyal to her mentor, Piccolo, eager to have more spars with Goku, Gohan, Lucy, Serena, Dragon, and even Vegeta.

Elery has a personality that can best be described as a rebel Saiyan tomboy. She's always going where her mind takes her, and while she can have a bit of a temper, she cannot ignore people in need of help. She does everything she can to help people out, no matter who they are. Elery is very devoted to helping out her friends, and will even be so much as willing to sacrifice herself to save the whole of her universe.

Quirks: She'll get agitated easily, and is quick to lose her temper. And seeing as she can go Super Saiyan and beyond, it is wise not to anger her or question her motives. However, she can get carried away due to her anger and lose a lot of energy in the process. She's also very prideful, much like Vegeta is. So anytime she is challenged, she accepts without a second thought, eager to test herself against someone.
Fears: She hates transforming into her Great Ape form, mostly for prideful reasons much like Vegeta. More then anything, she hates the way the Great Ape form looks, how big, hairy and vicious it can be, and so often resorts to the form ONLY as a last ditch effort.
Likes: Fighting, Eating (Duh, she is a Saiyan. xDD), Sparing, Seeking strong opponents, Trunks, Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kai (For the most part) Toki-Toki, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta (At first she didn't like him), Beerus, Whis, Pan, Bulla, Good Buu, Lucy, Serena, Dragon, Teen Raina, Lord Sniezer
Dislikes: Frieza, Cell, Super/Kid Buu, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta (Now she likes him a little bit better), Towa, Mira, Great Apes (Not only hates turning into one, but hates having to fight Great Apes too), having her tail grabbed out of the blue (Master Roshi learned this the hard way, when she and him met for the first time), losing to a weak opponent, Getting taunted by evil opponents.


Weapon: None. She only uses her fists and feet, and energy blasts. Sometimes she'll even slap opponents with her tail, or use her tail as a leverage to trip an opponent up.
Strengths: She's strong as she is a Saiyan, and can lift opponents twice her size. She has powerful Ki attacks, many of them were taught to her by her mentor, Piccolo. She can also transform into a Super Saiyan, having gained the power when she first discovered Frieza was the one that destroyed the home world of her kind, Planet Vegeta. In the mist of the anger within Elery that came out, she exploded in rage and went Super Saiyan. And in time, she also got to Super Saiyan 2, 3, 4, and even Super Saiyan God (Goddess in her case), finally reaching a new form known as Light Super Saiyan.
Weaknesses: Her tail was a slight weakness due to being a middle class Saiyan, to where weaker opponents couldn't bring her down with the weakness but stronger foes could. But after her fight against Turles fending him off alongside Goku, she had finally trained her tail to where it's no longer a weakness, as Turles had grabbed her tail during the battle. Mostly now, the only weakness she has is that she tends to get carried away sometimes and use too much of her energy. But only if she gets angry or agitated.


Masenko*: Elery fires out a straight forward blast of Ki, after crossing her hands over her head. Taught to her by Piccolo.
Burst Kamehameha (Formally Kamehameha): Elery cups her hands together to her side, and fires a blue colored energy beam from her hands. She can also fire a additional beam by using extra ki, prolonging the attack. She learned the original Kamehameha from Lucy and Trunks, ether one, and gradually transfered to this variation.
Evil Explosion: A move taught to her by Piccolo. Elery shoots out a short-range, but powerful explosion of Ki.
Light Grenade: Another move taught to her by Piccolo. Elery crouches down slightly, and cups her hands together to unleash a powerful Ki blast that travels far and homes in on a target.
Special Beam Cannon: A special move that Piccolo taught to Elery upon completing her training under him. Elery brings two fingers up to her forehead, and gathers energy. Once fully charged, she shoots a spiral beam out of her fingers, that can go though solid wall and can pierce anything in its path, as it is an unblockable attack.
Super Kamehameha (Perfect Kamehameha in Xenoverse 2): A much stronger version of the Kamehameha. She uses this move to defeat Final Form Mira in the final battle.

*Masenko was replaced by Kamehameha after a set while, after Elery learned the Kamehameha.


Home world: Planet Vegeta (Formally) of Universe 22
Hometown: Saiyan Village (No name) of Universe 22
Current Location: Conton City
Alignment: Time Patrol
Mother: Cassa
Father: Bokcho
Brother(s): She does not have any brothers
Sister(s): She had one younger sister, and a bratty one who tried to be better then Elery, named Celleri.
Other(s): She does remember some Saiyan girls that she was friends with when she was growing up, but only remembers the name of one Saiyan girl that she was very bitter rivals with: Seripa, who often bullied Elery and claimed she'd never become a warrior. She also has a ancestor named Potota, who in ancient times battled a dragon-like monster named Alpha Koopa, the evil ancestor of the Koopa King, Bowser Koopa.
Crush/Lover: Trunks (At the ending of the story, when Elery defeats Mira, she and Trunks get together. In time, they got married and even had a little girl named Daisy. At the moment, Daisy is already 6 years old.)
Best Friend(s): Good Buu, Pan
Friends: Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kai, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Goten (Both as a adult in her universe and when he was a kid), Chi-Chi, Krillin, Androids 17 and 18 (In her universe, just like #18 #17 is turned good. He and Elery both find each other having a lot in common), Bulma, Vegeta, Videl, Trunks (His kid self as well as his future self too, as well as the version of him she is married to, who is the older version of his future self and his kid self), Toki-Toki, Beerus, Whis, Pan (Of her universe, as she has gone to the GT timeline but also knows the older version of Pan in her universe too), Bulla (Same thing applies for her as it does for Pan), Good Buu, Lucy, Dragon, Teen Raina, Serena, Lord Sniezer, Future Gohan (When she went back to Trunks's timeline to rescue him from the androids), Android 16 (In the short time she went to the timeline of the Cell Games), Nail (During the timeline when she helped him fend off Frieza), Hercule (She finds him annoying and a bit of a coward sometimes, but she does give him some due credit, such as him helping get the people of Earth to lend Goku their energy so they could defeat Kid Buu), Master Roshi (She's annoyed with him for constantly making grabs at her tail as well as her body, but she knows from Trunks that he's the one who taught Goku and the others the Kamehameha. So she does respect him for that)
Enemies: Frieza, Cell, Super/Kid Buu, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta (When she went back to the timeline when Vegeta and Nappa came to Earth), Zarbon, Dodoria, Ginyu Force (Though she only hates Guldo the most. Otherwise, she DOES find Burter and Jeice pretty cool, and wishes they could turn good so she could team up with them), Turles, Lord Slug, Cooler, Broly, Future Android 17 and 18 (The same ones in the timeline of Trunks's future self, the cold-hearted versions that kill Future Gohan), Janemba, Towa, Mira


Elery is a Saiyan born and raised in a Saiyan village on Planet Vegeta in Universe 22. On her 43rd birthday, after a long run down the path of the warrior she followed, she was given her own set of Saiyan Armor by the kind and great King Vegeta, along with her red armbands given to her by her mother Cassa, and set out into the wide reaches of the galaxy, helping out friendly aliens whenever she could, and taking down evil aliens who try to bring harm or take over the planets of the friendly aliens.

But then one day, as she was enjoying some quality time to herself, she comes across some Time Patrollers and hears of the Time Patrol for the first time. Interested and intrigued, Elery asks if she can join, and is soon a full fledged member before long, about to take part in her first critical mission.

And so her adventures as a Time Patroller began...


Birthday: October 13th (In Earth years)
Favorite Food: Any kind of food, as it matters little to her. She'll eat just about anything. (But of course, she IS a Saiyan. Duh. xDD)
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Season (Now that she's on Earth): Summer
Main Theme

Super Saiyan Theme

Super Saiyan 2 Theme

Super Saiyan 3 Theme

Super Saiyan 4 Theme

Super Saiyan Goddess Theme

Super Saiyan Goddess Super Saiyan Theme

Light Super Saiyan Theme

Light Super Saiyan Goddess Theme

Can I Play Xenoverse 1 in 2 on Ps4


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